New arrival & more infomation
2021-03-01 | information


休業・営業時間変更のお知らせ3/1-3/14____________________2021.3/1(月) から 202...続きを読む >

2021-02-27 | store info.

store arrival-2021.2.27

◆store arrrival milton nascimento / milagre dos peixes grava...続きを読む >

2021-02-19 | store info.

store arrival-2021.2.20

◆store arrrival sacbe / aztlan LP joni mitchell / clouds LP ...続きを読む >

2021-02-12 | store info.

store arrival-2021.2.13

◆store arrrival ivan lins / somos todos iguais nest noite LP...続きを読む >

2021-02-05 | store info.

store arrival-2021.2.6

◆store arrrival egberto gismonti / academia de dancas LP tri...続きを読む >

2021-02-03 | information


休業・営業時間変更延長のお知らせ2/8-3/7____________________2021.2/8(月) から 20...続きを読む >

2021-01-29 | store info.

store arrival-2021.1.30

◆store arrrival jorge ben / bem-vinda amizade LP pep llopis ...続きを読む >

2021-01-23 | store info.

store arrival-2021.1.23

◆store arrrival milton nascimento / minas LP john cale &...続きを読む >

2021-01-15 | store info.

store arrival-2021.1.16

◆store arrrival jorge degas & marcelo salazar / muxima L...続きを読む >

2021-01-08 | information


休業・営業時間変更のお知らせ1/12-2/7 ____________________2021.1/12(火) から 2...続きを読む >

2021-01-07 | store info.

store arrival-2021.1.8

◆store arrrival tom ze / nave maria LP zenamon / s.t. LP min...続きを読む >

2020-12-17 | store info.

store arrival-2020.12.18

◆store arrrival steve reich / octet, music for a large ensem...続きを読む >

2020-12-17 | information


休業・短縮営業のお知らせ1/8-1/11 2021.1/8(金) から 2021.1/11(月)まで、営業日/営業時間を...続きを読む >

2020-12-17 | information


休業期間のお知らせ12/28-1/7 2020.12/28(月) から 2021.1/7(木)まで、休業期間とさせて頂き...続きを読む >

2020-12-17 | information


休業・短縮営業のお知らせ 12/20(日) から 12/26(土)まで、営業日/営業時間を金土日/18:00-21:00...続きを読む >

2020-12-11 | store info.

store arrival-2020.12.11

◆store arrrival wally badarou / words of a mountain LP donal...続きを読む >

2020-12-04 | store info.

store arrival-2020.12.4

◆store arrrival creation rebel & new age steppers / thre...続きを読む >

2020-11-27 | information


休業・短縮営業のお知らせ 11/29(日) から 12/18(金)まで、営業日/営業時間を金土日/18:00-21:00...続きを読む >

2020-11-27 | store info.

store arrival-2020.11.27

◆store arrrival bocato / ladrao de trombone LPfriedemann / v...続きを読む >

2020-11-20 | store info.

store arrival-2020.11.20

◆store arrrival uakti / Ⅱ LP luiz bonfa / the new face of bo...続きを読む >