store arrival-2023.4.21

◆store arrrival
steve tibbetts
/ exploded view LP
/ live kid LP
tri atma / s.t. LP
grateful dead
/ built to last LP
carole king / writer LP
carole king
/ her greatest hits LP
carole king
/ thoroughbred LP
rah band
/ the crunch & beyond LP
azambuja & cia / s.t. LP
franco ambrosetti / wings LP
john adams / harmonielehre LP
/ yesterday-16 fab beatle
reggae classics LP
tony watson / moonwalker 12″
hatchback / marin county 12″
wolf muller
meets the nile project
/ s.t. 12″
betty lou landreth
/ betty lou LP
jeb loy nichols / jeb loy LP
frank zappa / hot rats LP
gal costa / india LP
店頭追加 info.です。
used&new LP&12inch計約40枚の追加です。
4/21(金)18:00 open
4/22(土)18:00 open
4/23(日)16:00 open